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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Think Before You Eat - what do you use food for?

Food...let's think about it. What do you and I use food for? Do we use it to maintain our life? Work through stress and disappointment? Socialize with our friends and family? Relieve boredom? Has food become your best friend and comforter?

Now, after you've answered the above questions, reflect on how your use of food has contributed to your current condition. Are you happy with your current condition? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Here is an exert from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in the chapter called "The Childbearing Years" -
"Additionally, I could have, and should have controlled my eating. I shouldn’t have made food my comforter and friend. I should have utilized food for the purpose that it served which was to provide nourishment to me and the baby, not to take away my pain, as well as take my mind off of my disappointment in myself."
Here is a video tidbit that might help you -

I hope that something from this blog will help you on your journey.

"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!

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