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Monday, July 11, 2011

Eating on the go -- restaurants, buffets, fast food, etc.

Although our schedules aren't always conducive to eating at home, that doesn't mean that we need to lose our minds at the restaurants, fast food chains, and buffets. Look, you are paying your hard earned money for the food that you order, you have the RIGHT to order your food they way that you want to.

What do I mean? Well, just because you are not in the comfort of your own kitchen doesn't mean that you can't take control of the food that you order. Your food does not have to be buried in butter, oils, sauces, cheeses, etc. just because it was on the restaurant menu. You have every right to ask the waiter/waitress to take off the oils, not tp put butter on your food, or to put your sauces/dressings on the side.

Here's an example. Most of the time when you order a salad, it is drenched with more salad dressing then you really need. It's like you are having dressing with salad versus salad with dressing. Here's a tip... the next time that you order a salad, have them put the dressing on side instead of on top of your salad. This way, YOU control how much dressing you put on YOUR salad. You will probably find that you won't put the entire saucer of dressing on your salad that accompanies your meal.

Another thing that you can do is ask for a box so that you can put up some of your food as soon as it comes to your table. Just because all of that food was on your plate DOESN'T mean that you have to eat it all. Now, I know that many of us were taught and trained to eat whatever was on our plate. Well, that has contributed to our larger than life waistlines, thighs, hips, and stomachs. You can share your meal with your dinner-mate or simply ask the waiter for a box to put half of your food in right away. Again, change your thinking and's for your own good.

Now for the buffets...I bear witness that this can be a challenge. It don't know what it is about buffets but we tend to have the mindset that "I need to get my money's worth" when you go to a buffet. :-)

We get in line at the buffet and our eyes become bigger than our stomachs. We start thinking about all that we can eat and drink. We go up for seconds, thirds, and even fourths, right...or is it just me? :-)

Even at the buffet, we have to have some control, otherwise, we will lose control and then our waistlines will expand. I bear witness to it this past weekend. At our Family Reunion, we went to the buffet on two occasions. Man, I had a good time but now, I have the 4 pounds to show for it. It happened over the course of 3 days. Although I had a good time eating, I am paying for it now. I have to hit that gym harder this week to work off the fun that I had this weekend with our family.

With all that I've said above, I hope that you realize that we all have choices. I know that there are times when we want or need to eat out but remember, there is a consequence and reaction for EVERYTHING that we do. It's okay to have fun with your eating and explore new things ONCE in awhile and in MODERATION, but remember, you may have to work a little harder once the fun is done to regain control and get back on track.

Don't be frustrated and quit though. Get back on it quickly and don't beat yourself up.

"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!!

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