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Sunday, January 23, 2011

"YOU Are Worth It!!!" Health Workshop

Yesterday, January 22, 2011, I hosted the first "YOU Are Worth It!!!" Health Workshop along with two of my Sisters/Sorors. It was wonderful!!! I couldn't have asked for a better event.

Those in attendance were very engaged with the presenters in that they asked lots of questions and were willing to share their stories. This made the workshop seem like a conversation among Sisters and Friends versus a lecture and that's exactly what I wanted from this workshop.

We discussed a variety of things such as goal setting, challenges/roadblocks, "reality checks", nutrition, fitness, exercise, time management, support, and so much more.

If you are interested in knowing more about the workshop or would like to schedule one for your city, please let me know. I can be reached at

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What was your "reality check" about your health and the need to make improvements?

As I sit back and reflect on my health journey, I remember those moments in time when I had several "reality checks". Those "reality checks" made me realize that I was not satisfied with my health and that I needed to make a change. My life depended on it.

One "reality check" occurred when I had our last child and was getting ready to return to work. The clothes that I used to be able to fit into no longer fit. I remember being in my closet and  I just started crying .

Another check for me was looking in a family photo album and seeing old photos of me when I was smaller. I compared them to how I looked at the beginning of this leg of my journey and just started crying. I couldn't believe how I had lost control of my health and weight. What happened to me? When and how did I lose myself?

Let's talk...what was your "reality check" moment?