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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stress - Who or what do you call on to get you through?


Each of us go through some type of stress at some point in our lives. For many, dealing with stress is a daily or weekly occurrence.

Stress can be caused by so many things, people, or situations. These days, stress seems to be the order of the day. Many of us stress over finances, family, relationships, work, school, planning our days and getting everyone where they need to be, and so much more.

The question of the day is, "How do you and I handle stress"? Who or what do we call on to help ease the pain and get us through those stressful times? Do we call on God or do we call on food/drink which could be a god (force and power) for us?

Many of us turn to food as a comforter. Think about it, food is accessible whether through a vending machine, a visit to a fast food restaurant, or as close as our kitchen. Unless food causes you to have a stomach ache, food typically makes you feel good. It doesn't talk back to you, it doesn't ask you questions, it's not judging our actions and rationale, and it just tastes GOOD!!

Have you thought of alternatives to handling your stress that doesn't include running to food? Some things that help me to avoid turning to food as a comforter are such things as:

  • Praying to Allah (God) for strength, guidance, and endurance
  • Reading the scriptures
  • Reading words of inspiration and motivation, a book, or a magazine
  • Exercising
  • Talking to family and friends that will give me a positive word to lift my spirits
  • Reflect on the many blessings in my life versus the things that may not be going so well at the current time
  • Listening to music / dancing
  • Going to the movies
  • Pamper me time (i.e. - getting my hair and nails done, shopping, massage, etc.)
The next time that you are going through an unpleasant or stressful situation, THINK before you EAT. Before you run to the vending machine, the restaurant, or even the refrigerator, think about what you are doing? Is eating really going to solve your problem? Yes, it feels good at the time but how are you going to feel when the doctor declares that you are overweight and borderline diabetic? How are you going to feel when you step on the scale and notice that you've gained 10-20 pounds due to the eating binge that you've gone on as a means of dealing with your stress? Now, you've just added more stress to your plate.

Was it really worth it? Don't you deserve better? Doesn't your body and mind deserve better?

Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!


Sister Lorraine S. Muhammad
Author - "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME"

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