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Friday, February 18, 2011

Stop Teasing Me - Have you been teased about your weight?

How many of us have been teased, at one point in time, about our weight? Maybe it was a family member, a friend, a co-worker, or even a stranger. How did that make you feel? Do people realize what impact their words have on those that they tease?

What has been your experience? Have you been teased? How did that make you feel?

Here is a quote from my book, "588 Days! - Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME"

"How many of us have been told we are fat, overweight, large, thick, big boned, or other names that aren’t flattering? Maybe it was our friends from school that called us names or made references to our weight; maybe it was our mother, father, brother or sister; maybe it was our boyfriend or someone that we really liked; maybe it was our husband or our best friend. Regardless of who it was that made the comments…it probably hurt our feelings, didn’t it?
You may not admit that it hurt your feelings but you probably have given these negative comments some thought at one point and time. Maybe these thoughts have caused you to become quiet and reserved when you are around others. Maybe you’ve masked your feelings by telling jokes about yourself before others tell jokes about you. Maybe you’ve bought in to the theme that “big is beautiful” or that “men like some meat on their woman’s bones”.  For many people, they have turned to one of the loves of their lives for comfort in these situations….food!"

Take care of YOU and don't let people's words about you damage your self-esteem and confidence. At the same time, find time for YOU. Get up, take care of yourself, focus on your health, and make all of those that have teased you eat their words!!! Prove them wrong and show them that you are more than what they perceive of you.

"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...NO Excuses!!!"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Video for 588 Days! - How to lose weight the healthy way

Want to know more about the 588 Days! program and how you can lose weight in a healthy manner? Watch this video and get started today!!

Visit TODAY and get started right now!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter time - don't let the snow and weather take you off course!!

If you are looking outside right now, it is very possible that you are viewing a pile of white snow and are feeling the cold wind that is howling in the air. Now, if you are like me, you probably have no intention on going outside or you don't want to face the cold weather.

What do days like this do to your exercise routine? Do you continue to find ways to squeeze in some gym time or do some exercising at home or do you just want to stay warm, roll over in the bed under the warm blankets, or sit on the couch and watch tv?

For me, I still find ways that I can do some exercises inside the house or even over my lunch break at work. In the house, you can jam to a dance tape, do some Zumba, get on the treadmill that is collecting dust in your family room or basement, or simply lift some weights. If you have the space at work, you can walk around the building over your lunch break and exercise those legs.

Now, what does this weather do to your appetite? Does it make you want to raid the refrigerator, reach for those sweets that are sitting on the counter, or find something warm that will make you feel comfortable?

This is one of those times when you have to monitor your intake. It's very easy to keep reaching for those "comfort foods" especially when you are sitting around the house and have no plans of leaving. It's easy to grab some "snacks" while you are watching tv, reading a book, or watching the Super Bowl game.

If you don't have plans to continue your exercise routine during these could winter days/months, at least watch what and how much you eat. Don't let the winter time set you back from reaching your goals. Use this time wisely and don't forget your goals.

Stay focused!!!

Radio interview with Bean Soup Times Radio about health and the "588 Days!" book

I was blessed to participate in an interview with the Bean Soup Times Radio regarding health issues. Click on the link below to hear the interview.