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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

At This Very Moment!

You Are Worth It….At This Very Moment!!!

Thank YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to start making a difference in your life at this very moment.
As you view read through the 588 Days! book or hear my testimonial regarding my weight loss / health journey, keep one thing in mind. My life, situation, and circumstances that contributed to the start of this leg of my journey were not much different than yours. See, at that very moment in my life, I knew that I needed to make a change in order to save my life. At that very moment, I knew that I had some decisions to make in order to be present in the lives of my family and children. I knew, at that very moment, that enough was enough!
There is not a whole lot that separates what I did from where you are headed. It all comes down to decisions that we make in our life at this very moment. You’ve already made a key decision at this very moment when you decided to take this handout.

At this very moment, you may be struggling with some decisions of your very own. At this very moment, you may have been given a medical evaluation from your physician indicating that your health is not ideal. Maybe, you’ve had a reality check moment where you’ve looked in the mirror and are disgusted with what you see on the other side.
No matter what made you seek assistance, at this very moment, it’s all about the decisions that YOU are going to make for YOU in the future. YOU have everything that you need inside of YOU!
At this very moment, stop making excuses. Stop saying what you can’t do. Stop putting others and their needs in front of your own health and well-being. That’s not to say that others are not important, but often times we do so much for others that we often neglect our own selves and our needs.
At this very moment, what are you willing to commit to? What steps are you prepared to take to regain control of your health? Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. We often over analyze, ponder excessively, and over complicate things that should be so simple.
Make up in your mind, at this very moment, that you are going to bring the New YOU to fruition. At this very moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and envision the New YOU. Did a smile come on your face? Do you feel more confident?  Do you like the way that you look?
Well then, what are you waiting for? At this very moment, don’t make any more excuses.  Just do it!!! Commit and don’t quit!!!

Call on whatever higher power that you believe in for strength and spiritual connection to get you through this very moment.

YOU Are Worth It…at this very moment and in all of the moments you have left on this earth. Seize the moment!!!!

I wish you continued blessings on your journey. Believe in YOU and say to yourself, “I am making the right decision for my life at this very moment.”

Peace and Blessings from your sister,

Lorraine S. Muhammad

“Remember…YOU Are Worth It…Just Do It…NO Excuses!!!” *
For The Family Productions *Lorraine S. Muhammad – Founder, Author, and Inspirational Speaker
* P.O. Box 877, Bloomington, IL 61702-0877 * 309-531-0032 *
©Copyright 2011 Lorraine S. Muhammad. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hit the snooze button one time too many - pounds are coming back!!!! (frown)

They say that confession is good for the soul. Well, it's time for my confession everyone.

Over the last couple of months, I've hit the snooze button just one time too many. Now, many of you that know me know that I typically go to my "second home" (the gym) every morning. I like doing my workout in the morning. I feel energized and...I get it over with early.

Now, I've still been doing my exercises for 30 minutes everyday but it's just not the same. I haven't felt as energized as I've had in the past. I've gotten a bit relaxed with my journey over the last couple of months. I'm still aware of what I eat and that I don't want to backslide into the habits that got me to the point where I was over 200 pounds, but journey took a turn.

All is not lost!!I know that I haven't been doing all that I can do to keep my weight maintained like I should. When I hit my goal of 140 back in July 2010, I gave myself a 5 pound range that I would be comfortable with should I pick up a few pounds. Well, I went a couple of pounds about that range and I DON'T like it.

The good thing is, I KNOW that I can get back on track. Why, you may ask...because I've done it before. I know what it takes to get the weight off and I am re-dedicating myself to my journey. I will do my best not to hit the snooze button in the morning...even though the pillow be calling me to just lay back down. (smile).

Yes, the extra sleep is nice but I just don't feel the same. I end up fussing at myself for laying back down and not getting my tail up like I should. It really throws my day off. Plus, I don't like what the scale is telling me right now. It once was my friend but now...I'm not too fond of it. I'm just being real and truthful!!!

So, I'm striving to get back on my path like I used to be. Sometimes, it's not easy. There are times when you want to quit or take a detour but ask it worth it? Although the detour from your journey may be nice for a it really worth it?

If you have any similar stories, please feel free to share. I know that I am not the only one that is going through such a challenge as staying motivated.

"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!"

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Think Before You Eat - what do you use food for?

Food...let's think about it. What do you and I use food for? Do we use it to maintain our life? Work through stress and disappointment? Socialize with our friends and family? Relieve boredom? Has food become your best friend and comforter?

Now, after you've answered the above questions, reflect on how your use of food has contributed to your current condition. Are you happy with your current condition? If not, what are you going to do about it?

Here is an exert from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in the chapter called "The Childbearing Years" -
"Additionally, I could have, and should have controlled my eating. I shouldn’t have made food my comforter and friend. I should have utilized food for the purpose that it served which was to provide nourishment to me and the baby, not to take away my pain, as well as take my mind off of my disappointment in myself."
Here is a video tidbit that might help you -

I hope that something from this blog will help you on your journey.

"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!