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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Marathon Woman

Did you get the memo that this race we call life is not a sprint but a marathon?  This was the very thing I had to remind myself last week as I looked at how much traction my new business was getting.  Traction on trying to change the lives of each and every one of you.  Yes I was getting discouraged as I positioned myself as the woman in the desert with the sweaty cooler of bottled water waiting for you to come.  “If you fill it they will come” is what I thought.  Well when that didn’t happen I had thoughts of entrepreneurial suicide but a friend reminded me just today that I was running a marathon to make the NEXT version of myself the BEST version of myself and to do the same for others.  Thus I had to be patient and remain focused but stay committed for the long run which I commit to myself and each of you today…..
So I must first say that I appreciate the overwhelming support from the tee-shirt sales, I really do.  However, what I have to offer is so much more valuable than apparel.  It’s the essence, passion and purpose behind the message on the shirts.  It’s not a slogan but a new way of thinking.  A new way of life which is why I’m so passionate about it, not just for my life but for each of you as well.  I am a coach and mentor by nature and for those of you that are living and existing outside of your BEST version, I have that cooler here waiting for you to quench your thirst on the way towards your destiny but I can’t make you drink nor will I.  It’s a decision you must make on your own and you really can’t afford not to because you are greater than your current circumstances.  Don’t have the money – EXCUSE.  Don’t have the time – EXCUSE.  Don’t know what you want – EXCUSE.  Don’t have ……… - EXCUSE.  Many of you will continue to crawl past your destiny and a more bountiful future but for those that want more, meet me on the edge of the oasis at