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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Resist the urge...fight the temptation!!!

How many of you are surrounded by food on a constant basis? Maybe you are at work and there are food days on every floor or everywhere you turn. Maybe those temptations come in the form of commercials on television or by your family/friends sitting next to you eating and talking about your favorite foods.

Resisting the urge can be very difficult, but not impossible. Even though you may have a desire to eat something sweet, dive into your favorite food, or even drink a nice, filling drink, sometimes you just have to say, "no, it's not worth it."

I'm not saying that it's always going to be easy. Here's a trick that I've utilized to help me resist the urge. Maybe it will help you.

I told myself that for every donut that I may desire to eat, it would take me an EXTRA hour on the treadmill (on top of the 30 minutes that I already spend) to work off that donut. Now, the donut may only take me a few minutes to eat, but is it really worth  1 1/2 hours on the treadmill to work off those calories. I think NOT!!!

The next time that you desire a donut, a slice of cake, or a scoop of ice cream, think about this. Yes, those foods would taste wonderful but how much time and effort will it take me to work off that delicious treat? If that wonderful taste really worth it? If your answer is, "no", then BACK AWAY FROM THE DONUT!!! (smile).

Now, don't get me wrong, a treat now and then is not bad as long as you've put in the hard work to earn that treat. We are all worth an OCCASIONAL reward but remember, it's OCCASIONAL.

Do you have any tricks that you've used to control your sweet tooth? If so, please share.

Stay focused and be blessed. We're all in this together.

Remember, visit for your copy of "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME".

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