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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gratitude, belief, and faith...YOU can do it!

If you ever have one of those days when you doubt yourself, don't feel like you can take it anymore, and have that "woe is me" attitude....and you WILL...view this documentary about Robin Roberts' journey.

As you listen to Robin's story, think about those times in life when you questioned God, yourself, and others. You wondered why things were happening to this very moment.

When you think you just can't shoulder another problem, tragedy or situation, just KNOW...YOU have potential and strength inside of you which you haven't even tapped yet. YOU can do this!!

How many times have you come through situations but originally thought things couldn't get worse, you wouldn't make it through, you were ready to quit and many other negative thoughts.

Now, you are here today...YOU made it through!!!

Fair warning...grab a box of tissue.

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