We all need help and support in finding ourselves and becoming stronger in terms of our health, mental, physical and spiritual well being. I am here to share my experiences and help you with your own personal towards making the Next version of you the Best version of YOU! Love must start with oneself before you can truly love others!
Are you finding time for yourself?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Breaking Habits --- Try It For ONE Week!!!
Often times in life, we make sacrifices on various levels. Sometimes we sacrifice money, time, energy, and so much water. What sacrifices have YOU made for your life and your overall health and well being? Be honest with yourself!!!
One of the first things YOU need to do is recognize and admit to a habit(s) of yours that is not contributing to your overall health. Maybe that habit is frequent trips to restaurants/fast food establishments, soda/pop, snacks at the vending machines, or those sweets that satisfy your sweet tooth. Whatever it is, I'm pretty confident YOU could give up this habit for at least a week.
Don't start doubting yourself right out of the gate. You haven't even started off the week yet and you are already saying what you can't do. Have faith in YOU! Believe that you can handle this challenge with NO problem. After all, it's just ONE week. Come on, YOU can do this!!
Many of us know it takes about 21 days to start and break a habit. Imagine this, WHEN you complete this challenge, you will feel some much better about yourself, your abilities, and YOU, overall. You will be amazed at what you can do!!!
For the last 28 days, billions of Muslims have been observing the Holy Month of Ramadan. For those that are not aware of what that entails, the observance includes NO eating, drinking, or sexual activity during the daylight hours. Now, you might be saying to yourself, "There is no way in the world that I could go that long without eating or drinking." You know what, you would be amazed at how much strength you really have. Plus, as the month goes on, you really start to appreciate those things that you take for granted, like a simple glass of water or a morsel of food. It puts a whole lot of things in perspective. It has made me more grateful than I have been in awhile.
Try to give up one thing for one week! Get a buddy, partner, neighbor, friend, or family member to do this challenge with you.
When you are done with the challenge, add a comment to this blog and let us know how successful you were. Even if you found it challenging, share that as well. None of us are perfect and masters at this whole health thing. We all struggle at some point or another. It's what you do during those times of struggles that are important to your success.
I wish you the best on your challenge. Take a leap of faith and Just Do It!!!
*** New *** - "You Are Worth It" Consultation Packages, Workshops and Seminars now available...Just for YOU!!
** 588 Days article appears in The Final Call Newspaper
One of the first things YOU need to do is recognize and admit to a habit(s) of yours that is not contributing to your overall health. Maybe that habit is frequent trips to restaurants/fast food establishments, soda/pop, snacks at the vending machines, or those sweets that satisfy your sweet tooth. Whatever it is, I'm pretty confident YOU could give up this habit for at least a week.
Don't start doubting yourself right out of the gate. You haven't even started off the week yet and you are already saying what you can't do. Have faith in YOU! Believe that you can handle this challenge with NO problem. After all, it's just ONE week. Come on, YOU can do this!!
Many of us know it takes about 21 days to start and break a habit. Imagine this, WHEN you complete this challenge, you will feel some much better about yourself, your abilities, and YOU, overall. You will be amazed at what you can do!!!
For the last 28 days, billions of Muslims have been observing the Holy Month of Ramadan. For those that are not aware of what that entails, the observance includes NO eating, drinking, or sexual activity during the daylight hours. Now, you might be saying to yourself, "There is no way in the world that I could go that long without eating or drinking." You know what, you would be amazed at how much strength you really have. Plus, as the month goes on, you really start to appreciate those things that you take for granted, like a simple glass of water or a morsel of food. It puts a whole lot of things in perspective. It has made me more grateful than I have been in awhile.
Try to give up one thing for one week! Get a buddy, partner, neighbor, friend, or family member to do this challenge with you.
When you are done with the challenge, add a comment to this blog and let us know how successful you were. Even if you found it challenging, share that as well. None of us are perfect and masters at this whole health thing. We all struggle at some point or another. It's what you do during those times of struggles that are important to your success.
I wish you the best on your challenge. Take a leap of faith and Just Do It!!!
*** New *** - "You Are Worth It" Consultation Packages, Workshops and Seminars now available...Just for YOU!!
** 588 Days article appears in The Final Call Newspaper
Consultation Packages and Workshops Now Available - How Can I Help You?
Announcement -- now I have a Consultation Package JUST FOR YOU!!!
See the flyers below for more information, including Workshops/Seminars. They would be great for your organization, church, mosque/study group, classroom, or other gatherings.
Price: $75 ($63 if already own a copy of the 588 Days! book)
Duration: 3 months from receipt of payment
· Autographed copy of 588 Days! book
· Weekly consultation sessions and monitoring
· Weekly inspirational messages
· Access to Lorraine via email, phone, Facebook, or Skype
· Response to inquiries within 24-48 hours
· Accountability contract
· Monthly support group conference call
· Tips on cooking, recipes, eating, fitness and planning
See the flyers below for more information, including Workshops/Seminars. They would be great for your organization, church, mosque/study group, classroom, or other gatherings.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
"I Can't Take It Anymore"... Overcoming the desire to quit
How many times have you looked in the mirror wishing for the clear evidence that all of your hard work, eating right, and exercising have truly paid off? Maybe you are looking for a smaller face in the mirror, thinner arms, a smaller waistline, or some visual sign. What do you do when you don't see that sign?
I know that this is a long and hard journey. DON'T give up. Stay in it for the long haul. Even if you don't see the noticeable differences on the outside, how do you feel on the inside? Do you have more energy, do you feel more confident in yourself?
I encourage everyone to take pictures of yourself along your journey.Those living with you may not notice the difference in you right away but when you and your family members look at your pictures, you should see some differences.
How about those clothes? Have you lost a few inches here and there? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then keep forging forward. Something that you are doing is working for you.
Give yourself some time to get it all together. As I've said several times before...it didn't take you a day to gain that extra weight and it won't take you a day to get it off.
Take the small victories as they come and wait for the big ones. One day, you will have people stopping you in the hallway or on the street asking you, "What have you been doing? You look good! You've lost a lot of weight!". Even if NO ONE ever says those words to you, you have to answer to yourself and God as to what you have done to get your mind, body, and spirit back on the right track.
Here are some quotes from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in the chapter called "I Can't Take It Anymore":
"Remember...You Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses"
I know that this is a long and hard journey. DON'T give up. Stay in it for the long haul. Even if you don't see the noticeable differences on the outside, how do you feel on the inside? Do you have more energy, do you feel more confident in yourself?
I encourage everyone to take pictures of yourself along your journey.Those living with you may not notice the difference in you right away but when you and your family members look at your pictures, you should see some differences.
How about those clothes? Have you lost a few inches here and there? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then keep forging forward. Something that you are doing is working for you.
Give yourself some time to get it all together. As I've said several times before...it didn't take you a day to gain that extra weight and it won't take you a day to get it off.
Take the small victories as they come and wait for the big ones. One day, you will have people stopping you in the hallway or on the street asking you, "What have you been doing? You look good! You've lost a lot of weight!". Even if NO ONE ever says those words to you, you have to answer to yourself and God as to what you have done to get your mind, body, and spirit back on the right track.
Here are some quotes from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in the chapter called "I Can't Take It Anymore":
"I encourage you and I to keep forging forward, particularly during those times when you just want to throw in the towel. Those should be the times when you dig deep into your inner strength and call about your faith to get you through. Those should be the times when you recognize all of the hard work you’ve done so far and congratulate yourself for coming this far. Those should be the times when you reassess your eating and exercise regimen to determine where improvements could/should be made that would yield you your desired results.
Below you will find some quotes from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that reaffirm to me that the struggles, trials, and tribulations I was experiencing on this journey were ordained and I was not alone.
“Brothers and Sisters, each time we turn away from the struggle to overcome difficulty, there then is deterioration of character and there is destruction of the Will---and the Will is that within you is God’s gift. It is His Essence that He gives to man and anything that deteriorates your Will destroys you ability to cope with the problems of life. Struggle is ordained.” ~ Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan – page 3
“Struggle is ordained by God. God is not a vicious God. He is a Loving, a Beneficent and Merciful God, but He ordains struggle. Because without struggle, you cannot bring out of yourself that which God has deposited within you. It is something that has to be brought out and it is a struggle overcoming difficulties that manifest your own gifts and your own sublime qualities.” ~ Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan – page 3
“’Impatience’ is defined as an ‘eager desire for relief or change; intolerance of anything that thwarts or hinders.’ Thus we see that it is a force which is natural and which is characterized as a desire. Desire feeds the Will, therefore, the desire to be relieved from the irritation of waiting over a protracted period of time comes into conflict with the desire for any goal which requires patience to obtain. One force must win over the other.” - Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan – Building the Will, Part III Study Guide #7
“Impatience, or the desire for relief or change, may be removed from us, not by yielding to this natural force, but by seeking refuge in Allah (God). Whenever impatience threatens to cause us to turn away from a desired goal, we must go to Allah (God), the Lord of the ways of Ascent, in prayer. Prayer will give us the security and peace of mind that will relieve our irritation. It is that frame of mind that we then must re-identify with our desired goal. The desire (and the willingness to be patient in order to obtain it) will then return.” Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan – Building the Will, Part III Study Guide #7
“It is written in the Holy Qur’an, which is the Book of Scripture for the Muslims, that Allah created man to face difficulties. God has brought us all onto this Earth to face one difficulty after another and it is the facing of these difficulties and the overcoming of these difficulties that helps us to improve our character and improve ourselves” ~ Self-Improvement: The Basis for Community Development by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan – page 2
Although these times seem frustrating, disappointing, filled with anxiety and doubt, these should be the times when you kick it into gear and press on. You’ll be amazed at yourself when you do!"
"Remember...You Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses"
Friday, July 22, 2011
July 18, 2010 - July 18, 2011 - What a difference a year makes - Maintenance
This time last year, I was in a state of amazement, awe, excitement, grateful, humbled and overjoyed. You see, on July 18, 2010, I achieved my last weight loss goal of reaching 140 pounds by my 40th birthday (September 1st). Not only did I reach my goal, but I did it ahead of schedule.
I had to jot down what I was feeling at on July 18, 2010. These words can be found in my book, 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in Chapter 31:
What has this year been like? Well, I have to be honest and say that it has had its up's and down's. Yes, I reached my goal and I celebrated. I went shopping, got some new clothes, enjoyed the new look and the ability to wear anywhere from a Size 4 to a Size 8. Being able to get into those smaller sizes at one time seemed like just a dream. There were times when I didn't know if I would make it to my desired weight but you know what, I didn't give up. I keep forging forward, not matter how frustrated, discouraged or tired I might have been. I knew that with the help of Allah (God), my determination, and the support of my family and friends, I would reach all of my goals (sooner or later).
During this year, I had my moments of backsliding. I ate some of the foods that I stayed away from for so long. I guess that desire just took over me. :-) Some of my portion sizes grew a little bit, but definitely not back to the old days.
I gained a few pounds here and there. Some times, my clothes that were now a few sizes smaller than they used to be were fitting tight in certain places.
The good thing, for me, about this time around is that I didn't get upset with myself when the scale had a few higher numbers than I desired. Do you know why? It's because I KNEW that I had the strength, will and determination to do what it would take to get back on track. I knew that getting upset over the extra weight would not solve the problem. It just meant that I needed to reel things back in and kick it up a notch.
Don't be deceived in thinking that the maintenance part of the journey is easy. Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE change. If you ever watched the Biggest Loser Show on NBC, you will remember that the contestants and the trainers talk about what life will be like when they leave the ranch. Yes, it may be easier for them to lose the weight and stay focused when they are on the ranch and surrounded by the trainers, support of others, a gym that is open 24 hours, and the ability to only focus on their journey....but what happens when you step back into reality? What happens when you live your day to day life (as busy as it is) and you have to prioritize your journey in with all of the other things going on in your life? It is NOT easy, but it is so worth it!!!
Today is a day of new beginnings in so many ways. We've been given a chance to start over. Many of you will probably be able to bear witness to the grace and mercy that we are given each day to do things right and to start over. Every day that you wake up, take a breath, and let your feet touch the ground, you have been given a chance to start over!
We MUST do something about our health and the health of our family, particularly the youth of today. Start in your own home with your family. Branch out to the community and do what you can to save the life of someone else. Our lives depend on making a change in our mindset, our health, our behaviors, and our physical activities.
Commit yourself to something positive, worthwhile, and healthy. We commit ourselves to everyone and everything else, how about committing YOURself to YOURself.
Ask whatever higher power you believe in for strength, guidance, discipline, and forgiveness. Search deep inside your mind, body, and soul. Take a leap of faith and just go for it.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!
Much love,
Sister Lorraine S. Muhammad
I had to jot down what I was feeling at on July 18, 2010. These words can be found in my book, 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in Chapter 31:
On Sunday, July 18, 2010, I celebrated the accomplishment of my final weight loss goal. I’m now 140 pounds and loving it!!!
On that morning, I stepped up on the scale, as I do each day, and as I secretly prayed that this would be the day I reached my goal, there it was. The number on the scale this particular morning read 140.0!
You can only imagine what was going through my head and my heart. The words, “Wow!”, “Oh my goodness!”, “All Praises Are Due To Allah (APADTA)!”, and “Thank You!” were just some of the words floating through my head.
Once again, my family was asleep and I didn’t want to wake them up to tell them the good news quite yet. This accomplishment felt different. Although it was worth the biggest shout and scream I could muster up, this time, I felt a sense of quiet and peace of mind. It was a very surreal and humbling feeling that came over me that morning. It is very hard to explain it in words.
As I stood there and took pictures of the scale to add to my scrapbook and place on Facebook®, I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There, right before my eyes, was the number I have worked towards for 588 days! I had reached the proverbial mountaintop. I felt like those mountain climbers who strive to climb Mount Everest and actually succeed.
While standing in the shower and reflecting on the moment, tears started to flow down my cheek and my heart felt very heavy. I predicted I would feel that way all day long. I took a moment to sit, in humbleness, and reflect on my mental, physical, and spiritual health and weight. I remember, so vividly, the day I started this leg of my journey in December 2008 and what has transpired to get me to this special day in July 2010. Others may not see or believe it, but I am a different person in so many ways. All Praises Are Due To Allah!
What has this year been like? Well, I have to be honest and say that it has had its up's and down's. Yes, I reached my goal and I celebrated. I went shopping, got some new clothes, enjoyed the new look and the ability to wear anywhere from a Size 4 to a Size 8. Being able to get into those smaller sizes at one time seemed like just a dream. There were times when I didn't know if I would make it to my desired weight but you know what, I didn't give up. I keep forging forward, not matter how frustrated, discouraged or tired I might have been. I knew that with the help of Allah (God), my determination, and the support of my family and friends, I would reach all of my goals (sooner or later).
During this year, I had my moments of backsliding. I ate some of the foods that I stayed away from for so long. I guess that desire just took over me. :-) Some of my portion sizes grew a little bit, but definitely not back to the old days.
I gained a few pounds here and there. Some times, my clothes that were now a few sizes smaller than they used to be were fitting tight in certain places.
The good thing, for me, about this time around is that I didn't get upset with myself when the scale had a few higher numbers than I desired. Do you know why? It's because I KNEW that I had the strength, will and determination to do what it would take to get back on track. I knew that getting upset over the extra weight would not solve the problem. It just meant that I needed to reel things back in and kick it up a notch.
Don't be deceived in thinking that the maintenance part of the journey is easy. Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE change. If you ever watched the Biggest Loser Show on NBC, you will remember that the contestants and the trainers talk about what life will be like when they leave the ranch. Yes, it may be easier for them to lose the weight and stay focused when they are on the ranch and surrounded by the trainers, support of others, a gym that is open 24 hours, and the ability to only focus on their journey....but what happens when you step back into reality? What happens when you live your day to day life (as busy as it is) and you have to prioritize your journey in with all of the other things going on in your life? It is NOT easy, but it is so worth it!!!
Today is a day of new beginnings in so many ways. We've been given a chance to start over. Many of you will probably be able to bear witness to the grace and mercy that we are given each day to do things right and to start over. Every day that you wake up, take a breath, and let your feet touch the ground, you have been given a chance to start over!
We MUST do something about our health and the health of our family, particularly the youth of today. Start in your own home with your family. Branch out to the community and do what you can to save the life of someone else. Our lives depend on making a change in our mindset, our health, our behaviors, and our physical activities.
Commit yourself to something positive, worthwhile, and healthy. We commit ourselves to everyone and everything else, how about committing YOURself to YOURself.
Ask whatever higher power you believe in for strength, guidance, discipline, and forgiveness. Search deep inside your mind, body, and soul. Take a leap of faith and just go for it.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!
Much love,
Sister Lorraine S. Muhammad
October 2008 |
July 18, 2010 - Reached my goal of 140 lbs. |
![]() |
July 2011 - one year later |
Monday, July 11, 2011
Eating on the go -- restaurants, buffets, fast food, etc.
Although our schedules aren't always conducive to eating at home, that doesn't mean that we need to lose our minds at the restaurants, fast food chains, and buffets. Look, you are paying your hard earned money for the food that you order, you have the RIGHT to order your food they way that you want to.
What do I mean? Well, just because you are not in the comfort of your own kitchen doesn't mean that you can't take control of the food that you order. Your food does not have to be buried in butter, oils, sauces, cheeses, etc. just because it was on the restaurant menu. You have every right to ask the waiter/waitress to take off the oils, not tp put butter on your food, or to put your sauces/dressings on the side.
Here's an example. Most of the time when you order a salad, it is drenched with more salad dressing then you really need. It's like you are having dressing with salad versus salad with dressing. Here's a tip... the next time that you order a salad, have them put the dressing on side instead of on top of your salad. This way, YOU control how much dressing you put on YOUR salad. You will probably find that you won't put the entire saucer of dressing on your salad that accompanies your meal.
Another thing that you can do is ask for a box so that you can put up some of your food as soon as it comes to your table. Just because all of that food was on your plate DOESN'T mean that you have to eat it all. Now, I know that many of us were taught and trained to eat whatever was on our plate. Well, that has contributed to our larger than life waistlines, thighs, hips, and stomachs. You can share your meal with your dinner-mate or simply ask the waiter for a box to put half of your food in right away. Again, change your thinking and mindset...it's for your own good.
Now for the buffets...I bear witness that this can be a challenge. It don't know what it is about buffets but we tend to have the mindset that "I need to get my money's worth" when you go to a buffet. :-)
We get in line at the buffet and our eyes become bigger than our stomachs. We start thinking about all that we can eat and drink. We go up for seconds, thirds, and even fourths, right...or is it just me? :-)
Even at the buffet, we have to have some control, otherwise, we will lose control and then our waistlines will expand. I bear witness to it this past weekend. At our Family Reunion, we went to the buffet on two occasions. Man, I had a good time but now, I have the 4 pounds to show for it. It happened over the course of 3 days. Although I had a good time eating, I am paying for it now. I have to hit that gym harder this week to work off the fun that I had this weekend with our family.
With all that I've said above, I hope that you realize that we all have choices. I know that there are times when we want or need to eat out but remember, there is a consequence and reaction for EVERYTHING that we do. It's okay to have fun with your eating and explore new things ONCE in awhile and in MODERATION, but remember, you may have to work a little harder once the fun is done to regain control and get back on track.
Don't be frustrated and quit though. Get back on it quickly and don't beat yourself up.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!!
What do I mean? Well, just because you are not in the comfort of your own kitchen doesn't mean that you can't take control of the food that you order. Your food does not have to be buried in butter, oils, sauces, cheeses, etc. just because it was on the restaurant menu. You have every right to ask the waiter/waitress to take off the oils, not tp put butter on your food, or to put your sauces/dressings on the side.
Here's an example. Most of the time when you order a salad, it is drenched with more salad dressing then you really need. It's like you are having dressing with salad versus salad with dressing. Here's a tip... the next time that you order a salad, have them put the dressing on side instead of on top of your salad. This way, YOU control how much dressing you put on YOUR salad. You will probably find that you won't put the entire saucer of dressing on your salad that accompanies your meal.
Another thing that you can do is ask for a box so that you can put up some of your food as soon as it comes to your table. Just because all of that food was on your plate DOESN'T mean that you have to eat it all. Now, I know that many of us were taught and trained to eat whatever was on our plate. Well, that has contributed to our larger than life waistlines, thighs, hips, and stomachs. You can share your meal with your dinner-mate or simply ask the waiter for a box to put half of your food in right away. Again, change your thinking and mindset...it's for your own good.
Now for the buffets...I bear witness that this can be a challenge. It don't know what it is about buffets but we tend to have the mindset that "I need to get my money's worth" when you go to a buffet. :-)
We get in line at the buffet and our eyes become bigger than our stomachs. We start thinking about all that we can eat and drink. We go up for seconds, thirds, and even fourths, right...or is it just me? :-)
Even at the buffet, we have to have some control, otherwise, we will lose control and then our waistlines will expand. I bear witness to it this past weekend. At our Family Reunion, we went to the buffet on two occasions. Man, I had a good time but now, I have the 4 pounds to show for it. It happened over the course of 3 days. Although I had a good time eating, I am paying for it now. I have to hit that gym harder this week to work off the fun that I had this weekend with our family.
With all that I've said above, I hope that you realize that we all have choices. I know that there are times when we want or need to eat out but remember, there is a consequence and reaction for EVERYTHING that we do. It's okay to have fun with your eating and explore new things ONCE in awhile and in MODERATION, but remember, you may have to work a little harder once the fun is done to regain control and get back on track.
Don't be frustrated and quit though. Get back on it quickly and don't beat yourself up.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
At This Very Moment!
You Are Worth It….At This Very Moment!!!
Thank YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to start making a difference in your life at this very moment.
As you view read through the 588 Days! book or hear my testimonial regarding my weight loss / health journey, keep one thing in mind. My life, situation, and circumstances that contributed to the start of this leg of my journey were not much different than yours. See, at that very moment in my life, I knew that I needed to make a change in order to save my life. At that very moment, I knew that I had some decisions to make in order to be present in the lives of my family and children. I knew, at that very moment, that enough was enough!
There is not a whole lot that separates what I did from where you are headed. It all comes down to decisions that we make in our life at this very moment. You’ve already made a key decision at this very moment when you decided to take this handout.
At this very moment, you may be struggling with some decisions of your very own. At this very moment, you may have been given a medical evaluation from your physician indicating that your health is not ideal. Maybe, you’ve had a reality check moment where you’ve looked in the mirror and are disgusted with what you see on the other side.
At this very moment, you may be struggling with some decisions of your very own. At this very moment, you may have been given a medical evaluation from your physician indicating that your health is not ideal. Maybe, you’ve had a reality check moment where you’ve looked in the mirror and are disgusted with what you see on the other side.
No matter what made you seek assistance, at this very moment, it’s all about the decisions that YOU are going to make for YOU in the future. YOU have everything that you need inside of YOU!
At this very moment, stop making excuses. Stop saying what you can’t do. Stop putting others and their needs in front of your own health and well-being. That’s not to say that others are not important, but often times we do so much for others that we often neglect our own selves and our needs.
Make up in your mind, at this very moment, that you are going to bring the New YOU to fruition. At this very moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and envision the New YOU. Did a smile come on your face? Do you feel more confident? Do you like the way that you look?
Well then, what are you waiting for? At this very moment, don’t make any more excuses. Just do it!!! Commit and don’t quit!!!
Call on whatever higher power that you believe in for strength and spiritual connection to get you through this very moment.
Call on whatever higher power that you believe in for strength and spiritual connection to get you through this very moment.
YOU Are Worth It…at this very moment and in all of the moments you have left on this earth. Seize the moment!!!!
I wish you continued blessings on your journey. Believe in YOU and say to yourself, “I am making the right decision for my life at this very moment.”
Peace and Blessings from your sister,
Lorraine S. Muhammad
“Remember…YOU Are Worth It…Just Do It…NO Excuses!!!” * http://www.findtimeforyou.com/
For The Family Productions *Lorraine S. Muhammad – Founder, Author, and Inspirational Speaker
* P.O. Box 877, Bloomington, IL 61702-0877 * 309-531-0032 *
* P.O. Box 877, Bloomington, IL 61702-0877 * 309-531-0032 *
©Copyright 2011 Lorraine S. Muhammad. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Hit the snooze button one time too many - pounds are coming back!!!! (frown)
They say that confession is good for the soul. Well, it's time for my confession everyone.
Over the last couple of months, I've hit the snooze button just one time too many. Now, many of you that know me know that I typically go to my "second home" (the gym) every morning. I like doing my workout in the morning. I feel energized and...I get it over with early.
Now, I've still been doing my exercises for 30 minutes everyday but it's just not the same. I haven't felt as energized as I've had in the past. I've gotten a bit relaxed with my journey over the last couple of months. I'm still aware of what I eat and that I don't want to backslide into the habits that got me to the point where I was over 200 pounds, but man...my journey took a turn.
All is not lost!!I know that I haven't been doing all that I can do to keep my weight maintained like I should. When I hit my goal of 140 back in July 2010, I gave myself a 5 pound range that I would be comfortable with should I pick up a few pounds. Well, I went a couple of pounds about that range and I DON'T like it.
The good thing is, I KNOW that I can get back on track. Why, you may ask...because I've done it before. I know what it takes to get the weight off and I am re-dedicating myself to my journey. I will do my best not to hit the snooze button in the morning...even though the pillow be calling me to just lay back down. (smile).
Yes, the extra sleep is nice but I just don't feel the same. I end up fussing at myself for laying back down and not getting my tail up like I should. It really throws my day off. Plus, I don't like what the scale is telling me right now. It once was my friend but now...I'm not too fond of it. I'm just being real and truthful!!!
So, I'm striving to get back on my path like I used to be. Sometimes, it's not easy. There are times when you want to quit or take a detour but ask yourself...is it worth it? Although the detour from your journey may be nice for a time...is it really worth it?
If you have any similar stories, please feel free to share. I know that I am not the only one that is going through such a challenge as staying motivated.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!"
Over the last couple of months, I've hit the snooze button just one time too many. Now, many of you that know me know that I typically go to my "second home" (the gym) every morning. I like doing my workout in the morning. I feel energized and...I get it over with early.
Now, I've still been doing my exercises for 30 minutes everyday but it's just not the same. I haven't felt as energized as I've had in the past. I've gotten a bit relaxed with my journey over the last couple of months. I'm still aware of what I eat and that I don't want to backslide into the habits that got me to the point where I was over 200 pounds, but man...my journey took a turn.
All is not lost!!I know that I haven't been doing all that I can do to keep my weight maintained like I should. When I hit my goal of 140 back in July 2010, I gave myself a 5 pound range that I would be comfortable with should I pick up a few pounds. Well, I went a couple of pounds about that range and I DON'T like it.
The good thing is, I KNOW that I can get back on track. Why, you may ask...because I've done it before. I know what it takes to get the weight off and I am re-dedicating myself to my journey. I will do my best not to hit the snooze button in the morning...even though the pillow be calling me to just lay back down. (smile).
Yes, the extra sleep is nice but I just don't feel the same. I end up fussing at myself for laying back down and not getting my tail up like I should. It really throws my day off. Plus, I don't like what the scale is telling me right now. It once was my friend but now...I'm not too fond of it. I'm just being real and truthful!!!
So, I'm striving to get back on my path like I used to be. Sometimes, it's not easy. There are times when you want to quit or take a detour but ask yourself...is it worth it? Although the detour from your journey may be nice for a time...is it really worth it?
If you have any similar stories, please feel free to share. I know that I am not the only one that is going through such a challenge as staying motivated.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!"
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Think Before You Eat - what do you use food for?
Food...let's think about it. What do you and I use food for? Do we use it to maintain our life? Work through stress and disappointment? Socialize with our friends and family? Relieve boredom? Has food become your best friend and comforter?
Now, after you've answered the above questions, reflect on how your use of food has contributed to your current condition. Are you happy with your current condition? If not, what are you going to do about it?
Here is an exert from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in the chapter called "The Childbearing Years" -
I hope that something from this blog will help you on your journey.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!
Now, after you've answered the above questions, reflect on how your use of food has contributed to your current condition. Are you happy with your current condition? If not, what are you going to do about it?
Here is an exert from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME in the chapter called "The Childbearing Years" -
"Additionally, I could have, and should have controlled my eating. I shouldn’t have made food my comforter and friend. I should have utilized food for the purpose that it served which was to provide nourishment to me and the baby, not to take away my pain, as well as take my mind off of my disappointment in myself."
Here is a video tidbit that might help you - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cR5EmZJAvoI hope that something from this blog will help you on your journey.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tips for the summer and holidays
It's the beginning of summer. School is out, graduation commencements/parties have begun, the family reunions are planned, the weddings will start soon, and the grilling season is on and poppin'. What does this mean for your health journey?
Hold on...don't give up. YOU can still work on your journey in the midst of temptations of summer and its festivities.
Here are some tips from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, and Finding Time for ME" in Chapter 17 entitled "Let's Hit the Road":
Stay focused but yet have fun. Time spent with family, friends, and co-workers can be enjoyable. You don't have to overindulge to have a good time. Think before you eat!!!!
For your own copy of the 588 Days! book, visit http://www.findtimeforyou.com/.
Hold on...don't give up. YOU can still work on your journey in the midst of temptations of summer and its festivities.
Here are some tips from 588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, and Finding Time for ME" in Chapter 17 entitled "Let's Hit the Road":
Let’s say you aren’t going to eat out at a restaurant but rather you are going to eat all of the lovely food prepared for the family reunion, wedding, or somebody’s bbq. How do you handle this? Here are some tips that might come in handy:
1. Eat before you go to the event. If you find foods you know you can eat and are the right portion size BEFORE you go to the event, then you might not be so tempted to eat the spread that will be laid out in front of you.
2. Bring your own food with you. If are able to stop at the grocery store or maybe go to a place like Subway® to buy yourself a sandwich, you can bring your sandwich or food with you to the gathering. That way, you are still in attendance at the gathering and can still control what and how much you eat.
3. If you find yourself indulging in the food that is being served at the event, monitor your portions! You don’t have to sit there and starve, but you can partake in the delicious food, within reason!
Stay focused but yet have fun. Time spent with family, friends, and co-workers can be enjoyable. You don't have to overindulge to have a good time. Think before you eat!!!!
For your own copy of the 588 Days! book, visit http://www.findtimeforyou.com/.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Video Tidbit - Reality Check - Regain Control of Your Health NOW!!
"Just Do It!! - Reality Check - time to regain control of your health!" Don't wait for tomorrow or Monday morning. Do something right NOW!
Check out this video tidbit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =HPYygSiCyAM
Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!!
Check out this video tidbit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v
Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
588 Days! Video Tidbits - Reality Check, Goal Setting, Being a Mommy, Busy Lives, Support System, and Why I Eat the Way that I Do
Attaced you will find some video tidbits that will help you on your journey toward better health and weight loss.
Video #1 - "Reality Check" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG6YX8OoKgk
Video #2 - "Goal Setting" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4jENrUUzac
Video #3 - "Busy Lives! - Finding Time for YOU!!!" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dngIFLjzbSA
Video #4 - "Being a Mommy / Getting My Body Back" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za2WNAMiYSY
Video #5 - "Support System on Your Journey" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPz-dzh9gSc
Video #6 - "Why do I/We Eat the Way We Do?" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhKGj2Iys3Y
Video #7 - "Reward Yourself -- You've Worked Hard For It" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl6k6ObJZqs
After viewing the videos, let me know what you think. Also, share them with a family member, friend, or co-worker...anyone that is struggling to start or maintain their own journey.
It's my prayer that something that I've experienced over my journey will help you on your journey toward better health.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It!!!"
Attaced you will find some video tidbits that will help you on your journey toward better health and weight loss.
Video #2 - "Goal Setting" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4jENrUUzac
Video #3 - "Busy Lives! - Finding Time for YOU!!!" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dngIFLjzbSA
Video #4 - "Being a Mommy / Getting My Body Back" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za2WNAMiYSY
Video #5 - "Support System on Your Journey" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPz-dzh9gSc
Video #6 - "Why do I/We Eat the Way We Do?" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhKGj2Iys3Y
Video #7 - "Reward Yourself -- You've Worked Hard For It" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl6k6ObJZqs
After viewing the videos, let me know what you think. Also, share them with a family member, friend, or co-worker...anyone that is struggling to start or maintain their own journey.
It's my prayer that something that I've experienced over my journey will help you on your journey toward better health.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It!!!"
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Stress - Who or what do you call on to get you through?
Each of us go through some type of stress at some point in our lives. For many, dealing with stress is a daily or weekly occurrence.
Stress can be caused by so many things, people, or situations. These days, stress seems to be the order of the day. Many of us stress over finances, family, relationships, work, school, planning our days and getting everyone where they need to be, and so much more.
The question of the day is, "How do you and I handle stress"? Who or what do we call on to help ease the pain and get us through those stressful times? Do we call on God or do we call on food/drink which could be a god (force and power) for us?
Many of us turn to food as a comforter. Think about it, food is accessible whether through a vending machine, a visit to a fast food restaurant, or as close as our kitchen. Unless food causes you to have a stomach ache, food typically makes you feel good. It doesn't talk back to you, it doesn't ask you questions, it's not judging our actions and rationale, and it just tastes GOOD!!
Have you thought of alternatives to handling your stress that doesn't include running to food? Some things that help me to avoid turning to food as a comforter are such things as:
Was it really worth it? Don't you deserve better? Doesn't your body and mind deserve better?
Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!
Sister Lorraine S. Muhammad
Author - "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME"
Each of us go through some type of stress at some point in our lives. For many, dealing with stress is a daily or weekly occurrence.
Stress can be caused by so many things, people, or situations. These days, stress seems to be the order of the day. Many of us stress over finances, family, relationships, work, school, planning our days and getting everyone where they need to be, and so much more.
The question of the day is, "How do you and I handle stress"? Who or what do we call on to help ease the pain and get us through those stressful times? Do we call on God or do we call on food/drink which could be a god (force and power) for us?
Many of us turn to food as a comforter. Think about it, food is accessible whether through a vending machine, a visit to a fast food restaurant, or as close as our kitchen. Unless food causes you to have a stomach ache, food typically makes you feel good. It doesn't talk back to you, it doesn't ask you questions, it's not judging our actions and rationale, and it just tastes GOOD!!
Have you thought of alternatives to handling your stress that doesn't include running to food? Some things that help me to avoid turning to food as a comforter are such things as:
- Praying to Allah (God) for strength, guidance, and endurance
- Reading the scriptures
- Reading words of inspiration and motivation, a book, or a magazine
- Exercising
- Talking to family and friends that will give me a positive word to lift my spirits
- Reflect on the many blessings in my life versus the things that may not be going so well at the current time
- Listening to music / dancing
- Going to the movies
- Pamper me time (i.e. - getting my hair and nails done, shopping, massage, etc.)
Was it really worth it? Don't you deserve better? Doesn't your body and mind deserve better?
Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...No Excuses!!
Sister Lorraine S. Muhammad
Author - "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME"
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Resist the urge...fight the temptation!!!
How many of you are surrounded by food on a constant basis? Maybe you are at work and there are food days on every floor or everywhere you turn. Maybe those temptations come in the form of commercials on television or by your family/friends sitting next to you eating and talking about your favorite foods.
Resisting the urge can be very difficult, but not impossible. Even though you may have a desire to eat something sweet, dive into your favorite food, or even drink a nice, filling drink, sometimes you just have to say, "no, it's not worth it."
I'm not saying that it's always going to be easy. Here's a trick that I've utilized to help me resist the urge. Maybe it will help you.
I told myself that for every donut that I may desire to eat, it would take me an EXTRA hour on the treadmill (on top of the 30 minutes that I already spend) to work off that donut. Now, the donut may only take me a few minutes to eat, but is it really worth 1 1/2 hours on the treadmill to work off those calories. I think NOT!!!
The next time that you desire a donut, a slice of cake, or a scoop of ice cream, think about this. Yes, those foods would taste wonderful but how much time and effort will it take me to work off that delicious treat? If that wonderful taste really worth it? If your answer is, "no", then BACK AWAY FROM THE DONUT!!! (smile).
Now, don't get me wrong, a treat now and then is not bad as long as you've put in the hard work to earn that treat. We are all worth an OCCASIONAL reward but remember, it's OCCASIONAL.
Do you have any tricks that you've used to control your sweet tooth? If so, please share.
Stay focused and be blessed. We're all in this together.
Remember, visit www.findtimeforyou.com for your copy of "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME".
Resisting the urge can be very difficult, but not impossible. Even though you may have a desire to eat something sweet, dive into your favorite food, or even drink a nice, filling drink, sometimes you just have to say, "no, it's not worth it."
I'm not saying that it's always going to be easy. Here's a trick that I've utilized to help me resist the urge. Maybe it will help you.
I told myself that for every donut that I may desire to eat, it would take me an EXTRA hour on the treadmill (on top of the 30 minutes that I already spend) to work off that donut. Now, the donut may only take me a few minutes to eat, but is it really worth 1 1/2 hours on the treadmill to work off those calories. I think NOT!!!
The next time that you desire a donut, a slice of cake, or a scoop of ice cream, think about this. Yes, those foods would taste wonderful but how much time and effort will it take me to work off that delicious treat? If that wonderful taste really worth it? If your answer is, "no", then BACK AWAY FROM THE DONUT!!! (smile).
Now, don't get me wrong, a treat now and then is not bad as long as you've put in the hard work to earn that treat. We are all worth an OCCASIONAL reward but remember, it's OCCASIONAL.
Do you have any tricks that you've used to control your sweet tooth? If so, please share.
Stay focused and be blessed. We're all in this together.
Remember, visit www.findtimeforyou.com for your copy of "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME".
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Travel Time - How do you handle your journey while travelling?
It's that time of year where many of us have either travelled already or are planning future personal/business trips. Question - how do you handle your journey while travelling? Do you stay on your journey or do you truly enjoy the trip and get back on your journey when you return? Do you fit in time to exercise?
I recently travelled out of town and had to really strive to stay focused on my journey. The food temptations from the Chicagoland area were great. No matter where I turned, there was food around me, and not the healthiest of choices. There were pizza, fries, pies, ice cream, fast food restaurants, and some of my favorite sit-down restaurants. Wow...what a temptation I faced!!!
I was still able to squeeze in some time to exercise but I tell you, it was a chore. I even gained about 3 pounds by eating my favorite foods. Not to fear...I will get those pounds off soon. I won't let them take me off course.
Here are some tips from the "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME" book that might help you on your next vacation or trip.
YOU Can do this!!! Take your journey with you...You won't regret it!
Remember...YOU Are Worth It!
Sister Lorraine
To order your copy of the "588 Days!" book, go to www.findtimeforyou.com.
I recently travelled out of town and had to really strive to stay focused on my journey. The food temptations from the Chicagoland area were great. No matter where I turned, there was food around me, and not the healthiest of choices. There were pizza, fries, pies, ice cream, fast food restaurants, and some of my favorite sit-down restaurants. Wow...what a temptation I faced!!!
I was still able to squeeze in some time to exercise but I tell you, it was a chore. I even gained about 3 pounds by eating my favorite foods. Not to fear...I will get those pounds off soon. I won't let them take me off course.
Here are some tips from the "588 Days! Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME" book that might help you on your next vacation or trip.
"Often times when we travel, we tend to eat at many fast food places and high scaled restaurants that we’ve been dying to try. Since we are not back there in the kitchen preparing our own meals and monitoring its ingredients, we have to rely on all of the knowledge and expertise that we’ve learned up to this point."
"When you are in the process of booking your hotel reservation, look at the hotel’s website or ask the reservation specialist if the hotel has a fitness center located either in the hotel or nearby. You can inquire as to what type of equipment they have or how many machines they have at their facility. Some hotels only have 1 treadmill and a couple of free weights. On the other hand, some may have several treadmills, elliptical, stationary bikes, free weights, and workbenches. Either way, you should have enough equipment to get in some type of workout while you are on your trip."
YOU Can do this!!! Take your journey with you...You won't regret it!
Remember...YOU Are Worth It!
Sister Lorraine
To order your copy of the "588 Days!" book, go to www.findtimeforyou.com.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Stop Teasing Me - Have you been teased about your weight?
How many of us have been teased, at one point in time, about our weight? Maybe it was a family member, a friend, a co-worker, or even a stranger. How did that make you feel? Do people realize what impact their words have on those that they tease?
What has been your experience? Have you been teased? How did that make you feel?
Here is a quote from my book, "588 Days! - Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME"
Take care of YOU and don't let people's words about you damage your self-esteem and confidence. At the same time, find time for YOU. Get up, take care of yourself, focus on your health, and make all of those that have teased you eat their words!!! Prove them wrong and show them that you are more than what they perceive of you.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...NO Excuses!!!"
What has been your experience? Have you been teased? How did that make you feel?
Here is a quote from my book, "588 Days! - Balancing Act of Faith, Family, & Finding Time for ME"
"How many of us have been told we are fat, overweight, large, thick, big boned, or other names that aren’t flattering? Maybe it was our friends from school that called us names or made references to our weight; maybe it was our mother, father, brother or sister; maybe it was our boyfriend or someone that we really liked; maybe it was our husband or our best friend. Regardless of who it was that made the comments…it probably hurt our feelings, didn’t it?
You may not admit that it hurt your feelings but you probably have given these negative comments some thought at one point and time. Maybe these thoughts have caused you to become quiet and reserved when you are around others. Maybe you’ve masked your feelings by telling jokes about yourself before others tell jokes about you. Maybe you’ve bought in to the theme that “big is beautiful” or that “men like some meat on their woman’s bones”. For many people, they have turned to one of the loves of their lives for comfort in these situations….food!"
Take care of YOU and don't let people's words about you damage your self-esteem and confidence. At the same time, find time for YOU. Get up, take care of yourself, focus on your health, and make all of those that have teased you eat their words!!! Prove them wrong and show them that you are more than what they perceive of you.
"Remember...YOU Are Worth It...Just Do It...NO Excuses!!!"
Friday, February 11, 2011
Video for 588 Days! - How to lose weight the healthy way
Want to know more about the 588 Days! program and how you can lose weight in a healthy manner? Watch this video and get started today!!
Visit http://www.findtimeforyou.com/ TODAY and get started right now!!!
Visit http://www.findtimeforyou.com/ TODAY and get started right now!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Winter time - don't let the snow and weather take you off course!!
If you are looking outside right now, it is very possible that you are viewing a pile of white snow and are feeling the cold wind that is howling in the air. Now, if you are like me, you probably have no intention on going outside or you don't want to face the cold weather.
What do days like this do to your exercise routine? Do you continue to find ways to squeeze in some gym time or do some exercising at home or do you just want to stay warm, roll over in the bed under the warm blankets, or sit on the couch and watch tv?
For me, I still find ways that I can do some exercises inside the house or even over my lunch break at work. In the house, you can jam to a dance tape, do some Zumba, get on the treadmill that is collecting dust in your family room or basement, or simply lift some weights. If you have the space at work, you can walk around the building over your lunch break and exercise those legs.
Now, what does this weather do to your appetite? Does it make you want to raid the refrigerator, reach for those sweets that are sitting on the counter, or find something warm that will make you feel comfortable?
This is one of those times when you have to monitor your intake. It's very easy to keep reaching for those "comfort foods" especially when you are sitting around the house and have no plans of leaving. It's easy to grab some "snacks" while you are watching tv, reading a book, or watching the Super Bowl game.
If you don't have plans to continue your exercise routine during these could winter days/months, at least watch what and how much you eat. Don't let the winter time set you back from reaching your goals. Use this time wisely and don't forget your goals.
Stay focused!!!
What do days like this do to your exercise routine? Do you continue to find ways to squeeze in some gym time or do some exercising at home or do you just want to stay warm, roll over in the bed under the warm blankets, or sit on the couch and watch tv?
For me, I still find ways that I can do some exercises inside the house or even over my lunch break at work. In the house, you can jam to a dance tape, do some Zumba, get on the treadmill that is collecting dust in your family room or basement, or simply lift some weights. If you have the space at work, you can walk around the building over your lunch break and exercise those legs.
Now, what does this weather do to your appetite? Does it make you want to raid the refrigerator, reach for those sweets that are sitting on the counter, or find something warm that will make you feel comfortable?
This is one of those times when you have to monitor your intake. It's very easy to keep reaching for those "comfort foods" especially when you are sitting around the house and have no plans of leaving. It's easy to grab some "snacks" while you are watching tv, reading a book, or watching the Super Bowl game.
If you don't have plans to continue your exercise routine during these could winter days/months, at least watch what and how much you eat. Don't let the winter time set you back from reaching your goals. Use this time wisely and don't forget your goals.
Stay focused!!!
Radio interview with Bean Soup Times Radio about health and the "588 Days!" book
I was blessed to participate in an interview with the Bean Soup Times Radio regarding health issues. Click on the link below to hear the interview.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
"YOU Are Worth It!!!" Health Workshop
Yesterday, January 22, 2011, I hosted the first "YOU Are Worth It!!!" Health Workshop along with two of my Sisters/Sorors. It was wonderful!!! I couldn't have asked for a better event.
Those in attendance were very engaged with the presenters in that they asked lots of questions and were willing to share their stories. This made the workshop seem like a conversation among Sisters and Friends versus a lecture and that's exactly what I wanted from this workshop.
We discussed a variety of things such as goal setting, challenges/roadblocks, "reality checks", nutrition, fitness, exercise, time management, support, and so much more.
If you are interested in knowing more about the workshop or would like to schedule one for your city, please let me know. I can be reached at book588days@yahoo.com.
Those in attendance were very engaged with the presenters in that they asked lots of questions and were willing to share their stories. This made the workshop seem like a conversation among Sisters and Friends versus a lecture and that's exactly what I wanted from this workshop.
We discussed a variety of things such as goal setting, challenges/roadblocks, "reality checks", nutrition, fitness, exercise, time management, support, and so much more.
If you are interested in knowing more about the workshop or would like to schedule one for your city, please let me know. I can be reached at book588days@yahoo.com.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
What was your "reality check" about your health and the need to make improvements?
As I sit back and reflect on my health journey, I remember those moments in time when I had several "reality checks". Those "reality checks" made me realize that I was not satisfied with my health and that I needed to make a change. My life depended on it.
One "reality check" occurred when I had our last child and was getting ready to return to work. The clothes that I used to be able to fit into no longer fit. I remember being in my closet and I just started crying .
Another check for me was looking in a family photo album and seeing old photos of me when I was smaller. I compared them to how I looked at the beginning of this leg of my journey and just started crying. I couldn't believe how I had lost control of my health and weight. What happened to me? When and how did I lose myself?
Let's talk...what was your "reality check" moment?
One "reality check" occurred when I had our last child and was getting ready to return to work. The clothes that I used to be able to fit into no longer fit. I remember being in my closet and I just started crying .
Another check for me was looking in a family photo album and seeing old photos of me when I was smaller. I compared them to how I looked at the beginning of this leg of my journey and just started crying. I couldn't believe how I had lost control of my health and weight. What happened to me? When and how did I lose myself?
Let's talk...what was your "reality check" moment?
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