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Friday, December 10, 2010

Take a picture!!!!


They say that a picture is worth a 1000 words, or a lot of pounds :-) Well, it's time to smile and have your picture taken!

Now, you may be wondering why this is important for this journey. There WILL be NUMEROUS times on this journey that you are going to get frustrated, disappointed, and just upset with your progress (or in your mind, the lack of progress). You are going to get on that scale and notice that the numbers either aren't moving in the direction you want them to, not fast enough, or not at all. The key is not to give up. JUST HOLD ON! This is where the photo comes in.

You may not realize how much progress you've actually made because the scale doesn't say what you want it to say, but you very well may be making progress. You may notice it in the reduction of inches around your waist and stomach, your face and neck may start to slim down, your shoulders/arms/chest may be shrinking, and so on.

Now, go pull out that picture that you took at the start of this journey! Then, go take another picture and compare the two. See if you don't notice a difference. It may be small or it may be large, but at least look.

A word of caution.... Don't take a new picture each week and expect to see a very noticeable difference. Maybe take a photo once every 2-3 months or more. Give yourself time to allow your hard work to show!

If you are happy with what you see then CELEBRATE your success and be proud of your hard work. You DID it!

If you are not pleased, then ask yourself, HONESTLY, if you did all that you could do, within your power, or were you just half stepping. Don't lie to yourself...keep it real!

Keeping this picture journal can help you with sustaining your motivation and drive on this journey. When you look at yourself and start to see a healthier, skinner you, it gives you the courage, drive, and energy to keep on trucking through!

I pray that the few words give you what you need toward a better you. Remember...NO Excuses...Just Do It!

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