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Friday, December 24, 2010

Why do I eat the way that I do?

Root Cause-I had an epiphany that many do on their journey. It's about facing your thoughts/fears/emotions/feeling in order to get to the root cause of your circumstance.
Without facing your situation, you are bound to repeat your habits & tools for coping. So many of us turn to food to help us cope but look at where we are now. Did you think that you would have gained all of this "extra" weight?
Figure out how to not turn back to your old habits of coping. Find a new, healthier way!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't reached any epiphany as to why I overeat as of yet but I am currently working on getting intune with my cravings. There have been times that I had a taste for something but couldn't figure out what it was even after eating several different unhealthy things. When I have a craving or an urge to eat someting I try to eat a piece of fruit first and I've bought 100 bars to curve the urge to eat something full of calories if I'm not fufilled.
